Tagliata of seared tuna on pesto genovese dop and citrus sauce
Ingredients to choose
For 4 people
  • Slices of tuna
    4 slices
  • Citrus Pesto
    4 tablespoons
  • Ligurian pesto with Genoese Basil P.D.O
    2 tablespoons
  • Extra virgin Olive Oil
    just enough
  • Salt
    just enough
  • black pepper
    just enough
How to prepare it
10 min
1.Take the tuna out of the fridge at least one hour before cooking

2.Brush with oil and sear for 1 minute per side on a hotplate or frying pan (50° to the core), the inside should remain red

3. Once ready, cut into 2 cm strips

4.With a spoon, create a bed with the Pesto Genovese DOP and lay the tuna on top

5.Season with salt and pepper and finish with generous drops of citrus sauce
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