Beef tartare with saffron sauce on Smith apple carpaccio
Ingredients to choose
For 4 people
  • Extra virgin Olive Oil
    just enough
  • Beef rump
    320 g
  • Saffron Sauce
    320 g
  • Apple Smith
  • Salt
    just enough
How to prepare it
15 min
1. Chop the beef rump with a knife, previously cleaned of any fatty parts
2. Place in a steel bowl and season with salt, pepper, extra virgin olive oil and mix well
3. Let it rest in the refrigerator for a few minutes
4. In the meantime, put the saffron sauce in a piping bag and cut the apple into thin slices, removing the stone
5. Start the composition of the dish by placing the beef tartare on the bottom, shaped with a pastry cutter and decorate
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